2023 Revenue Integrity Week Quiz

Are you the most experienced revenue integrity traveler in your department? Test your navigational skills with the Revenue Integrity Week Quiz. The rules are simple. There are 15 questions, and all the answers can be found somewhere on the NAHRI site. Challenge your colleagues to a competition, set your timer for 30 minutes, and start digging for the correct answers. To elevate the stakes, you can award a prize for the highest score within your department.
To navigate the NAHRI website, you can use the search bar in the upper right corner. Be sure to get familiar with the drop-down menu, as well. This is where you can access articles that appear in the NAHRI Journal and in Revenue Integrity Insider. You can also find links to the NAHRI Local Chapter Map (hover over Networks & Events and select Local Chapters from the drop-down menu) and many other features.