Take advantage of your exclusive NAHRI discount - 2018 dates now available!

Monday, March 5, 2018

We want you to get the most out of your NAHRI membership, which is why we want to take a moment to highlight one of your exclusive discounts.

To help you continue your education and stay up to date on chargemaster and revenue integrity concepts, you receive a $150 discount off the cost of our Revenue Integrity and Chargemaster Boot Camp. With a discount like this, it’s as if your already-discounted NAHRI membership pays for itself. Just enter code NAHRI_BC at checkout: http://hcmarketplace.com/revenue-integrity-chargemaster-boot-camp.

The Revenue Integrity and Chargemaster Boot Camp is presented in a classroom format. The program will relate the chargemaster function to cost reporting and key operational issues, such as clinical documentation, charge capture, and HIM coding. It will also provide context for chargemaster maintenance within revenue integrity processes, which can help avoid denials and improve clean claim rates for Medicare and other payers.

We look forward to having you join us!


Jaclyn Fitzgerald

Associate Director, NAHRI


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