CMS released updated requirements for critical access hospitals (CAH) in the latest edition of its MLN Connects® newsletter.
CMS authorized independent dispute resolution (IDR) entities to resume payment determinations for disputes involving items or services furnished on or after October 25, 2022.
CMS recently published an FAQ to address the products, providers, and billing practices associated with drug waste modifiers -JW and -JZ.
CMS released guidance to help providers transition out of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), which is expected to end on May 11.
Over three-quarters of hospitals remain noncompliant with federal price transparency regulations, according to a report.
CMS released guidance and FAQs on the enrollment and conversion process for the newest Medicare provider type, rural emergency hospitals (REH).
The Biden administration announced its intention to extend the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) until May 11 and end it on that date.
As we start 2023, one of the biggest questions is the fate of the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration (PHE).
Look ahead to a bright future in revenue integrity.