A resource for navigating the NAHRI website.

Revenue integrity professionals are at the forefront of improving the accuracy, efficiency and thoroughness of their organizations’ billing and revenue capture processes. Yet they continually face challenges such as limited budgets, system complexity, departmental silos, insufficient staffing...

  • When: October 16–17, 2018
  • Where: The Wigwam Hotel
    • 300 East Wigwam Blvd.
    • Litchfield Park (Phoenix area), AZ 85340
    • $203/night – September 21 cut-off date (overflow hotels available)
  • What:
  • ...

As the revenue integrity profession evolves, there will be a greater need to streamline its roles and responsibilities. While some revenue integrity professionals have been in the game for years and have established departments or programs, others find themselves in new roles without much...
