Dive into chargemaster data analysis to improve efficiency at your facility

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Editor’s note: Rosemary Holliday, BA, MHA, managing partner of Holliday & Associates, will present “Adding Value to the CDM: Advice From a CFO, Coordinator, Consultant, and Vendor” on Day 2 of the Revenue Integrity Symposium, which takes place on September 19-20 at the Hilton Phoenix Resort at the Peak. Holliday is one of the industry’s thought leaders in chargemaster management. Her company has dedicated 30 years to providing consulting, educational, and software solutions to the hospital industry. Her 44-year healthcare background lends expertise to her operational knowledge of the many technical, clinical, and support areas of today’s healthcare environment.

NAHRI: What are you most excited about for this year’s topic?
Holliday: Hospitals have been so focused on survival for the past few years that chargemaster management, operational improvements, education, and even system issues were placed on the back burner. It will be exciting to share hospitals’ efforts that are now making a resurgence with attendees.

NAHRI: In what ways does your session challenge revenue integrity professionals to think outside the box?
Holliday: Assumptions that the organization’s chargemaster data is inherently correct and that systems files are synchronized are often far from accurate. We’ll touch on how hospitals can look at CDM data from a broader HIS environmental perspective to make data more accurate and file management more efficient.

NAHRI: What’s one of the most important pieces of information you would like people to take away from your session?
Holliday: More comprehensive master file data analysis can lead to improved revenue integrity, reduced compliance risk, and long-term operations improvements.