The 2024 NAHRI Leadership Council uncovers trends and best practices for defining and measuring the success of revenue integrity programs and professionals.

Having the right professionals in the right positions is the keystone of a superior revenue integrity program. When leaders...

This sample job description for a revenue integrity specialist was submitted by NAHRI Leadership Council member Denise Wieber, director of professional HIM coding and revenue integrity, at Catholic Health in Melville, New York.

This sample job description for a revenue integrity charge capture specialist was submitted by NAHRI Leadership Council member Denise Wieber, director of professional HIM coding and revenue integrity, at Catholic Health in Melville, New York.

This sample job description for a manager, physician revenue integrity was submitted by NAHRI Leadership Council member Denise Wieber, director of professional HIM coding and revenue integrity, at Catholic Health in Melville, New York.

The 2024 NAHRI Leadership Council zeros in on the keys to optimizing and focusing revenue integrity programs.

Designing an effective, efficient revenue integrity program is a balancing act. Leaders must determine the program’s focus, size, and structure based on their organization’s...

These sample guidelines for revenue reconciliation leadership reporting audits were submitted by 2024 NAHRI Leadership Council member Brittanie Smiddy, A.S., CPC, CHRI,
CRCR, Revenue Integrity Supervisor at Confluence Health in Washington.
