Defining and Measuring Success for Revenue Integrity Professionals

The 2024 NAHRI Leadership Council uncovers trends and best practices for defining and measuring the success of revenue integrity programs and professionals.

Having the right professionals in the right positions is the keystone of a superior revenue integrity program. When leaders strategically deploy professionals with the right mix of skills and experience, they can expect peak performance out of their program. These professionals are also essential to finding ways to move the program forward with their insight and firsthand knowledge of processes and needs. Often, they also play significant roles in building and maintaining critical relationships with other departments.

When supported by engaged, knowledgeable staff members, a revenue integrity program delivers on its promise to the organization. However, leaders need to have a clear vision of the program’s priorities and essential functions and be able to spot, develop, and retain talent—which is no small feat.

This report, based on data gathered from the 2024 NAHRI Leadership Council Research Survey: Revenue Integrity Program Structure and Staffing, takes a deep dive into revenue integrity staffing models, essential skills for revenue integrity professionals, training, using KPIs to demonstrate value, and more.

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