Revenue integrity: A rewarding journey

Thursday, June 6, 2019

by Angela A. Musey, RN, MBA, MACC, CHRI

My revenue integrity experience began seven years ago. I remember the job description as it read: must be a licensed registered nurse in the state of Georgia—check—at the time, I had been a nurse for over 20 years; medical auditing experience required—check—at the time, I had been an accountant and auditor for five years. And though I had never heard of revenue integrity, I felt the industry would be a good fit based on my experience.

I had no idea what I was about to learn! From the injection and infusion hierarchy of an observation review, to identifying a compliance issue and communicating and educating a clinical or revenue cycle department; from advising on the logistics of a new service line to finding missing revenue or helping a department create a process around charge capture.

What I can tell you about my revenue integrity journey is this: it is very rewarding. There is never a dull moment. I learn something new every day. Projects are constant. Valuable relationships have been built. Credibility has been shaped. And I couldn’t imagine wanting to do anything else.

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Revenue Integrity