Last chance to particpate in NAHRI's 2019 revenue integrity salary survey

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

NAHRI is conducting its second annual Revenue Integrity Salary Survey and we want to hear from you. Click here to take the survey and enter for a chance to win to a free on-demand webinar. All respondents will receive a complimentary copy of the survey report.

Don't miss out on your chance to gain valuable insight on revenue integrity salaries and program design. Whether your're new to revenue integrity or a seasoned veteran, our Revenue Integrity Salary Survey report will help you identify areas for professional growth, advocate for yourself and your team, determine how to use your team’s resources, and learn how revenue integrity fits into other organizations. This is the data you willl need when preparing to request additional staff or resources or when making the case for a raise.

In the 2018 Revenue Integrity Salary Survey report, we learned that most respondents earned $60,000–$69,999 annually but almost as many earned $70,000–$79,999. We also discovered that salary goes up when you work at a health system as does it does after completing a master’s degree. Will these trends hold steady for 2019 or will other factors tip the balance? Take advantage of the opportunity to weigh in and gain valuable information for your career and department.

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Revenue Integrity