As the revenue integrity profession evolves, there will be a greater need to streamline its roles and responsibilities. While some revenue integrity professionals have been in the game for years and have established departments or programs, others find themselves in new roles without much...
As the revenue integrity profession evolves, there will be a greater need to streamline its roles and responsibilities. While some revenue integrity professionals have been in the game for years and have established departments or programs, others find themselves in new roles without much...
Interdisciplinary team meetings are the perfect venue for revenue integrity to present changes that impact all providers or to discuss overall trends, but don’t allow for one-on-one discussions. To help craft personalized education tracks for providers, revenue integrity can use existing data from chart audits to build a road to success.
Business etiquette is a unique market differentiator that promotes excellence within organizations. Silos are still very much a part of the healthcare landscape and the ability to successfully navigate and initiate change across these silos ultimately translates into quality outcomes and revenue excellence.