Q: Our facility is evaluating the pros and cons of charge on dispense vs. charge on administration for medications. Are there any best practices or guidelines for medication charging and documentation?
Stepping into a leadership role can be rewarding and empowering but isn’t without challenge. Make the most of leadership opportunities by looking to the future while nurturing your team.
Managing charges for physician fee schedules is a whole different reimbursement landscape, and revenue integrity professionals who know their way around hospital-based reimbursement will need to forge a new path.
Revenue integrity professionals often run across tough questions. On the NAHRI Forums, revenue integrity professionals can get advice from peers and experts and learn about solutions others have discovered. Here are the questions that have sparked the most conversation.
CMS’ rules for inpatient admission can leave providers questioning when it’s appropriate to admit a patient presenting with an uncomplicated myocardial infarction.
As the revenue integrity profession evolves, there will be a greater need to streamline its roles and responsibilities. While some revenue integrity professionals have been in the game for years and have established departments or programs, others find themselves in new roles without much...