Hospitals need to start preparing for major changes to price transparency requirements, according to the 2024 Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) final rule, released November 2. The final rule details a slew of changes to price transparency compliance along with reimbursement changes and updates to numerous other programs.
The conversion factor cuts that CMS floated earlier in the year are now confirmed—and heightened. Part B providers will have to prepare for a net 3.4% payment decrease across services in 2024, according to the 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) final rule released November 2.
CMS is moving forward with its proposals to address unlawful payment reductions to 340B drug reimbursement, according to a final rule released November 2. The final rule keeps most of the provisions of the proposed rule intact with only a few adjustments based on commenter feedback.
HHS released a proposed rule on October 27 regarding the federal independent dispute resolution (IDR) process for the No Surprises Act. The rule focuses on early communication between payers and providers, the open negotiation period, batching, eligibility, administrative fee structure, and registration.
CMS recently updated the national payment allowance and provided billing instructions for the new Novavax COVID-19 vaccine, authorized for patients 12 years and older.
CMS recently revised its instructions for new place of service (POS) code 27, which is used to report services provided to unsheltered homeless individuals.