Denied claims are a constant burden on many health organizations – often forcing teams to choose between whether to invest time and resources into either denial prevention or denial management. What if you could...

Denials are a constant thorn for healthcare organizations, and are often caused by factors outside of an organization’s control, such as to new payer rules or patients switching medical plans. When left unchecked, claim denials can represent an average loss of up to 5% of net patient revenue.

Highlights from the 2023 NAHRI Leadership Council Survey Part 2: Unraveling the essentials, benefits, and future of automation.

Hospitals and health systems have faced unprecedented challenges for several years, pushing them to rethink their revenue cycles. Factors like the pandemic and...

In the 2023 NAHRI Leadership Council Survey, Utilization and Adoption of Automation in Revenue Cycle, 101 leaders, including revenue integrity, health information management (HIM), and coding directors and managers primarily from acute care hospitals and health systems with 500+ beds, assessed...
